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Scientific journals

The department of Environmantal Biology publishes the scientifc journal
Annali di Botanica
JCR Impact Factor 2019: 0,412
JCR Category Rank: 170/228 in "Plant Science", 227/250 in "Environmental Science"
The journal was created in 1884 by Pietro Romualdo Pirotta, Professor of Botany at Roma University with the name "Annuario del Regio Istituto Botanico di Roma" (1885-1901). In 1902 it tooks its present name..
Furthermore, the department has the editorial direction of two indexed peer-reviwed international journals:
Journal of Anthropological Science, official publication of the Italian Institute of Anthropology (ISItA). 
 ISI Impact Factor 2020: 3.263 (5/90 incategory Anthropology, Social Science Citation Index)
Plant Biosystems, official publication of the Italian Society of Botany
Impact Factor 2019: 1,787